Driving Problem

Data from before the COVID-19 pandemic showed that people of color fared worse compared to their White counterparts across a range of health measures, including infant mortality, pregnancy-related deaths, prevalence of chronic conditions, and overall physical and mental health status. Health and health care disparities are often viewed through the lens of race and ethnicity, but they occur across a broad range of dimensions including socioeconomic status, age, geography, language, gender, disability status, and citizenship status.

What is the purpose of the conference?

The H.E.LP. conference will provide an update on the state of health disparities in the United States. Through a unique format of combined TED talk style lectures combined with multi-disciplinary expert led discussions, the conference seeks to explore the role of business, education, healthcare, and places of faith in re-building the health of the community leaving this in attendance with actionable steps to implement in their community

The Solution

Educate. Equip. Empower.

The science supporting nutritional medicine as a pillar of medicine is overwhelming.  The role of education, business, justice and places of faith in developing community health has become increasingly recognized.. Seize the opportunity to learn about the solid science behind plant-based nutrition and the relationship of social determinants of health